Recently I was paid a visit from a super hero.
It was not the first time I had crossed paths with this stunning creature who ignites the skies. I had met him before and we had come together a few months after that, quite randomly as these things go.
A F18 Fighter Pilot, the super hero calls himself a free spirit - a mad keen surfer who chases the waves in Micronesia and travels the world for work. With his intrepid lifestyle, it's a surprise I met him at all. I've hardly moved from this town in two years and when I do it's to visit friends and family in Adelaide or Sydney.
But life works like that if you let it. Super hero and I met through a mutual friend. The more people you reach out to... the more introductions find their way.
In the short time of our acquaintance - super hero turned my humdrum existence on its head. He inadvertently reminded me life can be an adventure and with the right people on board, a whole lot of fun.
Super hero's long gone, no doubt saving other mere mortals like me from the mundanities of everyday life. He said to think of him when I see jets flying overhead. But F18 fighter jets don't often pass this way. Nor do people like him. But for the brief moment they do, their super powers keep us fully charged.