Sunday, December 29, 2024


Since I now have American and Australian readers - I preface this blog post by saying it has been written in British English.

2024 - what a year, one of the most momentous of my life. Why I say “one of the most” – 1996 is up there. That’s the year my mum died; finally succumbing to breast cancer. She was diagnosed at 42 years old and battled it for 10 years. Knowing your mother has cancer all throughout one’s teenage years and losing her at the tender age of 21 is its whole other story. Life changing and in many respects cruelly so.  

2024 – highs and lows culminating in a year of resilience. As follows some of the moments that stand out.

Let’s start with the most prominent event and the not so Elephant in the Room. I say “not so” because we were hit with it and didn’t shy away from talking about it. My boyfriend Zach’s death by suicide was devastating. People who hadn’t even met him: work colleagues, old school friends; were rattled by the loss. Thank-you to everyone in my orbit for staying close or simply giving a like or commenting on my facebook posts – the fact you’re reading this now. I’ve seen you there and appreciate it.

I became a first time home owner. Ironically – because people say home ownership is preferable to renting – I can’t say I’m especially glad I did. Now that I’m in it, I’m meeting the myriad expenses and issues that come with responsible home ownership. Unfortunately the discretionary $$ I used to spend on travel, dining, and clothes now goes on house fixes and furnishings. Within nine months of ownership I've paid thousands to fix foundational issues, dry rot, the electrical and sewer system, and several other things the seller happily left me to deal with. Added to this and arguably the most irritating of all – I don’t have a set place to park my car. Street parking only. That’s a tough proposition anywhere in LA. The dust, foliage and bird droppings that collect on my car out on the street is the gift that keeps on giving! The bright side is no other drivers have yet to clip me in the tight parking situation. Things could be worse.

Having said this I know I’m lucky to be in a position where I was able to buy. I’ve made it a home and hosted a few good gatherings!

A clear winner this year was developing my local friendships in LA. After Zach died I threw myself into the church community for solace and healing which paved the way to a friendship with the Church Priest. Originally from Wales, Father Ian Elliot Davies has presided over St Thomas the Apostle Hollywood for 22 years now and has qualities that remind me of Zach. Super sharp (Cambridge University alum), very well read - always having a book to hand me, kind and witty. Father Ian has helped me a lot. My Dad used to quip, “Zach knows a lot of things about a lot of things.” So does Father Ian.

Then there’s my friend and (now former) neighbour Harrington. The one who came with me when I suspected Zach had done what he did. Harrington and I braced ourselves for the news waiting outside Zach’s apartment as the two policemen went in. After which Harrington showed up every day at my apartment door to lend his support. Harrington’s popularity brings a whole coterie of friends and acquaintances which means I’ve had a social year! The universe really does open up when you need it to. 

Of course there are many other people who've been there for me in 2024. Including Zach's friends, my work colleagues, American and Australian friends, and my family. Most of you will be reading this now. 

Amid all the calamity of losing one’s beloved, I turned 50 this year. Can’t stop that clock! It was time to throw a party. As my old university pal Linda said, “you hosted your own wedding.” She was right. I decided to host a 50th birthday celebration in Melbourne with all the fanfare of the wedding I am yet to have. It was great. My Dad, brother, and friend Renato - who had his own wedding in Bologna, Italy in September, which I attended - gave speeches. Friends from as far back as 30 years came – a handful travelling from interstate, including my cousins Penelope and Katy with their partners, and my niece, Madison, and nephew, Tom. Of course there were people invited who couldn’t make it. They’ll have to wait for the wedding…or (probably more likely) another milestone birthday, God willing.

Despite the ravages grief can do to one’s health - mine seemed pretty much on track this year. I kept on top of breast cancer detection appointments and otherwise felt like I was in good shape. That is until I visited the dentist last week. My dental hygienist said it was time for a yearly blood pressure test – and lo and behold – I received a high blood pressure reading (140/70 (normal is 120/80)). This is the first time I recall this happening – previously I was led to believe I had low blood pressure. Side note – did you know that high blood pressure is referred to as hypertension and nearly 50% of adult Americans have it but don’t realise they have it because there’s no real noticeable side effects? That’s why they call hypertension the “silent killer” because it's linked to heart disease which is the leading cause of death in America. 

The news jolted me back to my blood work result two years ago. The Doctor reported, “your cholesterol level is slightly elevated.” Sadly, I didn’t do much about it then (I’m prone to applying lashings of butter on my morning toast and eat a lot of carbs.) But heart disease runs on my father’s side. My 82 year old father had a triple heart bypass at 49 and now wears a pacemaker. His own father died from a heart attack at 69. Alas, now it’s time to add heart health as a new year's resolution!

So here we go. The jolt I needed to make some long overdue lifestyle changes. Fingers crossed I’ll be able to fit back into the nice clothes I bought pre-Covid! 

Moving into 2025, I hope I can take a better stock of what I eat and how much soda and alcohol I drink and stick to it. Having said that, entering 2025 will no doubt be more of the same for me – I’ll continue to prioritize my work, keep up the home maintenance, focus on relationships, and carry on grieving Zach’s death. Now a laser sharp focus on health. Oh the joys of ageing. 

Here’s to another year! Happy New Year. 

Photos. Words that resonated today, as seen in the shop Fig in Ojai, California, during a weekend visit: December 29, 2024.

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