Saturday, July 20, 2019

The years keep rollicking by

Responding to this Modern Love article I read today:

My experience losing my mother at 21 (five days shy of turning 22) - resulting in being emotionally damaged in my 20s carried into my 30s (not good for healthy romantic relationships) - and not having a sister (sisters make good aunts 😊) lessened my desire to procreate. Raising kids is hard and relentless - it takes a village they say; and I did not have the ideal support group. So when the wrong men wanted children with me - I chose to keep striving forward for a better match. Then I turned 37 and thought - well, I’ll look into egg freezing. And I did (look into it but for similar reasons that this article describes of the outcomes - did not pursue). The fertility specialist recommended giving up the baby dream at 42. I turn 45 this month. It’s an interesting one - so long as a healthy woman is fertile, you always have children on the mind (and in body) as a consideration. Until you don’t. So I guess my message is this - for women you know who don’t, or didn’t have children, it does not mean at some point or for a lot of those points - she considered it, and perhaps the reason she didn’t is just that life circumstance was not on her side.

I wrote on this blog in 2011 about seeing an egg fertility specialist:

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