Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The ex is getting married

Oh what a night it’s been; I feel like I’ve attended a wake and all the good mates are banding together in support dishing up words of love and support to a woman who is in need! That woman, dear folk, is me.

In essence, it took a junkie to steal my laptop to be able to make the necessary steps to move on. Well, so I think it must have been a junkie – I’m really not sure. That’s semantics. What’s happened is today (through my laptop being stolen yesterday) I learned my immediate ex boyfriend has become engaged. Having said immediate, we did break up nearly two years ago – but I haven’t found love since, despite wishing for it.

How this all happened - I took myself off to see Tree of Life with Brad Pitt yesterday (tight arsed Mondays) but forgot to close my front window. I’ve been opening it to give the place some airing. As we all know from multiple blog posts – I have a 17.5 year old poochie (so smelly breath – poor Walt) so it’s been helpful to let some fresh (?) air in.

So while I’m away, a robber takes his moment to dive in and nab my laptop. Gone. On the laptop are a bunch of photos of my ex with video footage of the beloved Walter. And him – the ex. He was so lovely looking – I would have liked to have kept it – you know, sentimentality – for old times’ sake and to get the footage of Walt...so despite an eight month hiatus of no contact, I sent my ex a text. Along the lines “do you still have it – can I borrow your camera to get that footage? Oh, and by the way, I had a dream your best mate told me you’re married and have had a baby.”

So it takes him almost a day to respond but I get a message back that he no longer has the pics and yes, he’s recently engaged “very happy”.

My ex is 42 years old. He has never been married and yet had a long line of girlfriends, all to my knowledge who would have been up for marriage.

Suffice to say it’s cut me to the core and fortunately a posse of great women friends have come to my aid.

I really believe everything does happen for a reason and even though it doesn’t feel like it now, this is all part of the universe’s way.

What’s particularly difficult however is that my other ex did the same thing. Got married. And nearly three years into the relationship – is still married! Despite me feeling (both) had some serious issues they would need to work through before being able to sustain a long term bond. So this of course, points a finger back at me. And that's not easy!

All I can do is hope I fall in love again. And with a man where it works. As all this heartache hurts. Is there a universal purpose to having me ache like this? There must be –but surely I’ve upped the queue in “time to take care of Caroline”? I can only hope my ticket is called next.


  1. I'm impressed at how the exes seem to remain bffs.

    Did you manage to get the pic anyway?

    Oh and ever since I've known you (11+ years), men have swoooooned for Cazi.

  2. Who's pjmelb? V sweet comment - thankyou sweetheart whoever you are!! What does bffs mean? No, no pics - but memory's in the heart.
