I propose that if everyone in the world did yoga - it would be a much calmer, happier place. Let me explain. Yoga has transformed me. No this is not a blog for preaching - but my wellbeing significantly improved when I took up Ashtanga Yoga. And I've seen yoga's effects on my friends too. I've read about yoga's impact in psychology books sprouting its benefits for calming the nervous system and the mind.
I have drifted in and out of practicing styles all my adult life but settled on a couple of forms that gives you a pretty good workout along with the zen benefits it brings with. Ashtanga and Powerflow. Practice regularly and it will dramatically change your life.
I now work pretty much part time and earn significantly less than if I were working among the rat race - but this way, I can happily fit four yoga classes into the week!
Earning less can of course be difficult, as I do like the finer things in life, and many of my good friends are high earners (and thus it can be a bit annoying visiting their beautiful homes (self-owned), while I continue to rent)...but it is true - 'ego' and acquiring material possessions for the status it brings you becomes less important once you incorporate yoga in your life.
And this is why more of the Western World should practice yoga!
I watch the politicians on TV constantly looking stressed (and more often than not - overweight) and I think - if only they could take a break - do some sun salutations, a few downward dogs - they'd be so much better for it! And clearer thinkers. Calmer. More effective leaders (now there's a thought?!)
But one of the biggest changes that comes from practicing yoga is in the people you meet and are taught by. There are some very inspiring teachers out there. The gorgeous Duncan Peake (pic attached) shared a tit bit of wisdom with us at a workshop recently (he was visiting from Sydney) "you don't get what you want, you get what you are." This rang so loudly in my conscious that I made an immediate pact with myself to review all areas in my life and see what they say about me - who I am. If I didn't like any areas - change required (with healing - wink).
He also gave us such a good workout that once we were laying flat on our backs in shivasana pose at the end for relaxation - it was (and is) the BEST feeling in the world!
So you have to try it. I'm sure most reading already have and are - but there are many more (great for anxiety laden bunnies) who could.
Physically, mentally and spiritually a great yoga class makes you feel better about yourself and carefree about your lot in life. You'll begin to think - right here, right now - I wouldn't want to be anywhere else!
Cos yoga's like that. It sweeps you up during a class and you come out walking on air.
So, I'm off to yoga. Namaste (bowing to you).
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